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Pest Control Basics Every Homeowner Should Know

TIP! If you are experiencing problems with insects, be sure to vacuum all rugs and carpets throughout your home. Ants and tiny bugs hide in carpets, so that should eliminate some of your potential indoor insects.

If you've got pests, it may seem like you'll never get rid of them. You may feel they are breeding wildly, despite your best efforts. If that is so, try reading this advice to see how to eliminate them.

TIP! Are you having recurring problems with fruit flies, even after you have eliminated them? The weak link might be your drains. Tape over it with some plastic wrap for a couple of days and look for any fruit flies that may pop up.

Get to the root of the problem. When you have problems with pests, be sure you are not providing them with food. Pests probably like to come into your home because they have shelter, food and plenty of water. Locate and get rid of leaks, food, and any way to get into your home.

TIP! Hairspray is a great method of killing stinging insects. This spray contains chemicals that kill the bugs and keep new ones from coming out.

Check local codes to ensure that you use approved pest treatments. Using banned chemicals can affect a home sale later on. Though this does not happen often, it does indicate a need to do your research.

TIP! If you suffer from an infestation of brown recluse spiders, try using sticky traps in order to catch them. These spiders are poisonous and enjoy hiding in places that aren't easy to get with chemicals.

If you need to make doubly sure that no termites remain in your home, use a termite-sniffing dog to check for the presence of termites. A dog can find termites better than a person who inspects homes for pests. A dog with the right training is able to check about 100 percent of the house. The smell of methane gas is the actual byproduct of the termites eating your wood.

TIP! Bedbugs are very sneaky and can be hard to eliminate. Prior to taking extermination efforts, be sure to seal obvious holes.

Plant bushes several feet from your home's exterior. Many types of insects call this brush home. If the bushes are up against your home, pests will find a way to get inside.

TIP! Outside lights have their advantages but you should know these lights will attract pests. If you are using outdoor lighting, switch to light bulbs that are orange or yellow.

Look around your house for any cracks or places that pests could enter, and seal them right away. Many times, these places serve as an entrance for all of the pests that want to make your place their new home. By thoroughly sealing these off, you deny them a gateway into your home.

TIP! Watch out for mice around a stored camper or travel trailer. There are natural repellents out there that can discourage them.

Fleas can be tough to eliminate, but there are ways to approach them. You need to vacuum daily, and use a flea spray. Don't forget to throw out the vacuum bag outside.

TIP! Do not use rat or mouse poison if you have pets in your home. Cats and dogs that catch and eat poisoned rodents become poisoned themselves.

If there are rats and mice in your area, don't make the mistake of planting fruit trees near the house. Rodents can climb up them and go into your house by way of the attic. A good rule of thumb is to plant trees no less than 15 feet from the edge of your house.

It is wonderful to have light outside but it might bring bugs. If outdoor lights are necessary, use yellow, orange or pink bulbs to keep pests at bay.

TIP! To keep pest away from items that are edible, store your items properly. Glass and plastic containers with tightly sealed lids are ideal.

If you have pest problems in rooms with sinks, check your drains. Make sure you eliminate clogs in any drains. Any buildup can attract flies and roaches that are looking for a meal. Clear the drains and then do a regular monthly checkup.

TIP! Finding how pests are getting into your home is the key to defeating them. There might be cracks in your home where pests crawl in or maybe your pets track them when they enter and leave.

The main living spaces in your home may look fine, but check every inch of your home for pests every once in a while. Underground areas of your home may be infested with termites. Check out your basement and any other underground area.

TIP! If you find that bugs can easily get into your home, buy some caulk and seal up those cracks. Sprays and foggers are a good first step, but they are ineffective against pests living deep within the walls of your home and other hard-to-reach places.

Throwing pests out of a home is not any fun. It can take months to years to completely eliminate some of them. Use the advice offered above to help you get your pest problems under control. You will finally be able to sleep in a home that is totally pest-free.

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