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Smart Pest Control Tips You Should Know About

TIP! Use steel wool to fill up mouse holes. Even if the pests manage to chew through it, the steel wool will end up killing them.

What are you doing to control pests in your home? This article can help you develop a plan that will deal with this serious problem. There are many options to combating pests in your home. This article will teach you some methods for getting rid of pests once and for all.

TIP! One effective approach to control your pest problem is to vacuum every rug in the house. By doing this, you will pick up existing bugs, ants and fleas around the house.

Steel wool can be used to blockage hole that mice can crawl through to enter your house. Rodents are unable to chew through the steel fibers. All openings bigger than a quarter inch need to be stuffed. Mice and rats can squeeze through some tiny openings.

Spraying hairspray on wasps, bees or other flying pest can immobilize them almost instantly. The hairspray kills the insects, and the residual odor repels new ones from emerging.

TIP! Sticky traps are useful for catching brown recluse spiders. These spiders are likely to hide in some deep cracks.

Use a spray for outdoor perimeters to make insects avoid entering your house. Try spraying your foundation, porch, steps, doors, and windows. Always spray the pesticides in the cracks that you see. Seal up these places with fillers like caulk.

Mint Leaves

TIP! Do you recycle and store items in your home? If so, then it is vital that these items are properly rinsed. You should take extra precaution to rinse out cans of soda, as they are filled with sugar.

If you have a problem with mice, use mints to address the issue. A group of plants situated along your home's foundation will repel them. This will make the mice find another home that has less aversive stimuli. If mice are already a problem, think about placing mint leaves where you're finding them. While this will usually do, make sure the mint leaves are fresh.

TIP! Get rid of fallen trees in your yard quickly. Make firewood out of the trunk and branches.

It can work really well to use an electronic repellent for pests in and around your home. They can be plugged in each room and let off a noise that repels rodents. The great thing about these devices is that they are safe to use around the house. Because rodents hate the noise, they will not remain in an area where it is present.

TIP! Are rodents coming into your home? Always look at your home's exterior to find small cracks and openings. Put some repellent or scrubbing pads in these cracks to deter them from entering.

As soon as you notice fallen trees in your yard, eliminate them. Chop up the branches and trunk for firewood. Give it away or sell it if you don't have a use for it yourself. But, do not forget to get rid of the stump as well. Termites will make a beeline for the stump if it just left outside.

TIP! Be sure and store your dry foods in plastic containers. Many dry foods come in bags and boxes, and insects can very easily get inside of them.

Pests are attracted to drains. Clean and maintain the drains at least monthly. You can use liquid drain cleaners or run a snake down the drain. When things accumulate in drains, pests can easily burrow up in there and make it their home.

TIP! If you want to get rid of pests at home, you must learn about them. Know what it eats, its likes and dislikes, its life cycle, etc.

Store dry food items in plastic storage containers. Many dry foods come in bags and boxes, and insects can very easily get inside of them. Every time you shop, transfer the dry goods into the plastic bins, and make sure that these are tightly sealed. Your food will stay fresher and the pests will not be able to get into them.

TIP! Store all your foodstuffs properly to keep them free from pests. Use airtight glass and plastic containers.

To get rid of pests, you need to educate yourself. Learn what pests eat, how they live and where they thrive. When you know all you can about a certain pest, you can concoct a plan to rid your home of them.

TIP! A carpenter ant infestation is a sign of a bigger issue. They just eat wood that is wet, so their presence heralds a leak and problem with rotten wood.

Remember that mice and rats are omnivores. Any type of food will work when you're setting traps. You can get rid of food that has gone bad by using it to bait the traps as well.

TIP! If you've got a termite problem, you'll want a good termiticide. There are two kinds of termiticides--one keeps them away and the other kills them.

If you are having a problem with silverfish, this tip may prove quite useful. Wet a newspaper and put it on the floor overnight. Overnight, silverfish will collect on the paper. Grab the silverfish quickly and toss them into an outdoor trash container.

TIP! Whenever you go to buy a pesticide, ensure you carry some pests with you. The sample will assist the experts in identifying what type of pest you have and the appropriate pesticide to use.

Are you now more comfortable with your ability to control the pests within your house? You should, and you need to remember that there are so many options available to you. You don't have to live with unwanted pests in your home. Formulate an action plan to eradicate the annoying pests infesting your home.

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